TM 3-Days Unlimited Text Promo UNLITXT 3 DAYS: ASTIGTXT20
Looking for a very cheap and affordable unlimited text that valid for 3-days? This promo offer is just for you.
Introducing TM ASTIGTXT 20. Unlimited Text to all TM and Globe friends for 3-days/72 hours for only Php 20.00.
You can avail this promo by simply registering. Just type or text:
ASTIGTXT20 and send it to 8888
Introducing TM ASTIGTXT 20. Unlimited Text to all TM and Globe friends for 3-days/72 hours for only Php 20.00.
A very cheap and affordable offer from TM to its loyal TM Subscribers. Want to try this promo? Follow the simple instructions below.
How to register for 3-Days Unlimited Text?
How to register for 3-Days Unlimited Text?
- Atleast Php 20.00 load
- TM SIM/Subscribers
You can avail this promo by simply registering. Just type or text:
ASTIGTXT20 and send it to 8888
- Wait for the confirmation message before start texting.
- After the successful registration, you may now use your Unlimited Text for TM and Globe subscribers for 3-days.
- No maintaining balance requires.
- You are not allowed to register in other promos while still availing ASTIGTXT20.
- Sending texts to other networks will automatically charged to your regular load.
- To check the status of your current promo, just simply text ASTIGTXT20 BAL and send it to 8888. Don't worry, this text service is FREE.
- To know other information about the service or promo, just type or text ASTIGTXT20 HELP and send to 8888. This is also FREE.
- To know other related promos, just simply text INFO and send it to 8888.
- Now, if you want don't want to continue availing this promo or you want to stop or cancel it, just simply text ASTIGTXT20 OFF and send to 8888.
I have been trying to register ASTIGTXT20 and until know, there is no response from 8888. Another thing is happening, as I continue trying to avail this promo, my regular load is observably decreasing without doing things that will affect my load. Please answer this. Why can't I register?